Redroot Baby Massage Oil


A 100% natural baby massage oil – blend of Red Root, Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil. Soothing and calming massage oil that nourishes baby’s delicate skin. New born skin is delicate and often dry for the first few weeks. Chemicals, fragrances, colorants, detergents and some baby products can cause new born skin irritation, dryness, chafing and rashes. Benefits: Belamas Red Root Baby Massage Oil restores the natural oils lost from baby’s skin, keeping the skin nourished, hydrated and smooth. Suitable for sensitive and new born skin. Its massage helps in strengthening baby’s bones, muscles and is proven to give two times faster physical growth to your baby. Also, substantiates the positive effects of Belamas Red Root Baby Massage Oil in inducing better sleeping pattern in neonates and infants, which is very important for baby’s overall development. Stimulates a key nerve to improve digestion and bowel movement. Helps a fussy baby to calm down. Ingredients: Red Root (Ventilago Madras Patana), Aloe Vera Extract, Pure Coconut Oil.


Overview: Ideal For Baby Boys & Baby Girls
Organic Yes


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